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Our society has already transcended and absorbed the use of modern technology and the network.

It has made lives convenient and work efficient. Using softwares, applications, and the internet, we can now remotely access, send, store, and receive data information or digital assets. Transactions are fast and precise. 

We can look at several benefits of using modern technology. However, society and companies are continuously facing challenges with security. Using the open network allows our system to be vulnerable to cyber threats, risks, and attacks. 

In a larger perspective, most companies are now structured online, and the need for them to have their cybersecurity team stay up to date with trending cybersecurity threats is necessary. 

These threats are harmful elements or malicious activities done to harm, disrupt, and digital damage systems.

Some of the well-known cyber threats are data breaches, computer viruses, malware, illegal hacking, and denial of service attacks. This is why the Cyber Threat Intelligence program uses threat modeling as a critical component in managing cyber risks.

Threat Modeling

Threat modeling is a process of analysis that identifies, records in detail, and develops mitigation protocols to potential threats or structural vulnerabilities. 

Its primary function is to plot the systematic analysis of what your company or security structure needs. This includes policies and procedures.

Risk Management Process

Now that we have learned the importance of threat modeling let us look at how we can apply it in a risk management process. 

Today, we have different types of threat modeling methods, and it has its specific functions and operations.

What experts do is merge these methods for them to come up with a more effective way of analysis. One of the most effective vital processes in threat modeling in an organization is identifying risk or risk assessment. 

The risk management process involves a rotational risk assessment procedure, controlling the risk, reviewing system controls, and identifying the risk.

Trike Threat Modeling

Trike threat modeling is a suitable technique in carrying out security threat modeling. This method is created by developing threat models from the results of risk management or risk management’s point of view. 

With this process, your cybersecurity team can accurately describe your company’s system from the lowest to highest technology structure. 

The trike structure has its stages known as the requirement model, risk assessment, data flow diagram, and assigning risk value. 

To carry out the Trike method, your cybersecurity team needs to be trained well and knowledgeable in terms of cybersecurity and cybercrime latest trends. This information will allow your team to be ahead of every potential risk. 

Make sure your network security teams are appropriately trained and certified. Without this training, your network, data files, and company are at risk of cybercrime-related attacks. 

Having to experience a cybersecurity incident or breach can cost a company millions of dollars in damages and recovery.

Career Opportunity

Cybersecurity has grown to greater heights. With this, there are many career opportunities in this profession if you find the expert field of a Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst interesting and fit for you.

You can start by enrolling in a cybersecurity course with us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC. You can also check our other courses offered as well as certification programs. Visit our website at RCyberSolutions.

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