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Modern technology has helped our society by making our lives, work, and businesses more efficient and convenient.

The economy now is very aggressive in terms of technological adaptation and development. Large companies are positively going beyond their standards just to keep up with the progress. 

As we can see that many companies and enterprises are now computer reliant. Important files and assets are now being digital and the need for them to secure them is very essential.

Securing this information will help the company retain its customers, set a good image, and establish trust in business endeavors. 

Having tight cybersecurity for a company is very challenging as different critical areas need to be given priority. Unfortunately, there is no single type of cybersecurity that could cater to all your company network security needs. This is why the layered security method was established. 

Here in this topic are the things you need to know and understand about layered security and how it works. 

Layered Security

Layered security is simply defined as the implementation of multiple types of security controls that an organization uses to protect its digital assets from different cyber attacks. 

Its main purpose is to increase the use of security controls that are in defense. These set security layers will slow down an attack and it is placed to cover the gaps of different protective capabilities, compensating the other.

Different Security Controls

Security Controls Boundary

You can set your security control boundaries by implementing the use of a firewall application or software. This will monitor the flow of traffic in your network and can immediately block or intercept any malicious virus, malware, or unsecure data. 

Make sure to have a demilitarized zone. It is a small single point space that is positioned between the private network and the internet. This can detect anomalies in your network before it can connect to your system. 

The use of a VPN will enhance your security, especially for a remote connection. 

Internal Network Security

Internal network security control should include antivirus program, encryption algorithm, clear text services, information security training, identity, and access management process, segregation of duties, patch management process, physical security controls, vulnerability scanners, system information, and event management process. 

At this time, data information is very critical among large enterprises. A single data breach can cause up to millions of dollars in terms of recovery, damage, and loss. 

You should have preventive cybersecurity plans in all areas of operations in your company. By placing certain layers of network and information security, it can assure you that in whichever approach cybercriminals tend to attack your business, they will have a hard time doing so.   

The process of protection will also include proper orientation and training among staff. This is to ensure that your staff is fully aware, capable, and knowledgeable on how to deal with an incident. Fast response is crucial in incident management.

Career Opportunity

Most users have never known the value of data information once they need it and realizes that it’s gone permanently. This can happen if you cannot properly secure your network or computer.

Learn cybersecurity professionally and properly through us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC. We are firm offering services, career courses, and professional certifications in cybersecurity. Visit our website at Reliable Cyber Solutions.

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