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Cyber espionage is not a new word to every country today. In fact, the word espionage has already existed in the historical medieval period.

It talks about the society of spies which in time has evolved its method of approach, and we are dealing with much more technical methods with the use of cyberspace. 

This type of attack is a hybrid form of well-thought threat using computers and the internet for warfare espionage to take advantage of the military, political, and economic benefits.

Illegal hackers that use this method are highly skilled and they can shut down operations in government, military infrastructures, and global financial systems. They can create chaos from changing the political elections to influencing disaster on an international scale. 

The challenge that cybersecurity is facing with this attack is how smart hackers can remain untraceable for all these years. 

Protecting your digital infrastructure should always be a top priority for every company. What you need is to learn cybersecurity as a career profession. Enroll at our online educational platform at RCyberSolutions.

As time passes by, the advancement of modern technology has carried this infamous practice, now threats can attack different industries. It mostly targets public administration accounts, education, healthcare, and manufacturing. 

With this, small to large enterprises must consider cybersecurity espionage mitigation and prevention. 

In this topic, we will be learning about cybersecurity espionage and its recent incidents.

Cyber Espionage

It is defined as an act of benefiting from an unauthorized system or network access by hacking military, government, and public data. This illegal practice is an act of anarchy and damage to compromised data information.

Cyber Espionage Incidents

Here are some real-life cases of cyber espionage:

2019 Cyber Attack on US Agencies by Chinese and Iranian Hackers

These attacks were initiated by Chinese and Iranian Hackers during the time President Donald Trump withdrew its nuclear trade from both countries. They targeted the critical infrastructure of the US to gain a position for future cyber attacks and to gather intelligence.

Pakistan’s Foreign Affair Ministry Website Hacked

The website of Pakistan’s Ministry of External Affairs has been penetrated and it has been experienced by other countries not being able to access Pakistan’s domain. The origin of the attack was said to come from Indian hackers

2018 Kaspersky’s Slingshot

The attack was called the ‘slingshot’ because of the name of the threat actor’s components and samples.

They targeted individuals rather than groups or organizations, specifical countries in Africa and the Middle East. The main objective of the attack is to collect information by intercepting screenshots, keyboard data, passwords, USB connections, and network data. 

Chinese Espionage Campaign

In 2018, a group of Chinese hackers targets United States’ satellite firms, communication companies, and defense contractors. Their main objective is to gather information in civilian communications, military plans, and disrupt the network traffic by controlling the satellites. 

China 12 Year Campaign

When the US encountered more and more Chinese cyber attacks, they accused the country of initiating the attack on 12 countries. It was at this time that it came to light that these groups of hackers had planned it out for 12 years. 

Their objective is to infiltrate trade secrets among nations and the intellectual assets of their government agencies. 

With the information they have gathered, the US can assume that they are plotting to become an economic superpower by taking advantage of each country’s vulnerabilities.

Career Opportunity

Without proper knowledge of using cybersecurity techniques and tools, the damage caused by hackers in a cyberattack is very catastrophic that it can lead companies and businesses to shut down.

Learn cybersecurity with us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC. We offer certified courses through our online educational platform. Check our websites now at Reliable Cyber Solutions.

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