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As technology advances in terms of development, the risks of security have also increased. More people, companies, and businesses have already experienced being attacked by hackers, viruses, and malware. 

Users are one of the first lines of defenses against cybercrime-related activities, and there are many ways that hackers can lure a user.

When triggered, It can cause damages, unauthorized access to your information, and loss of digital assets. This is why companies and organizations have a program that will give people and employees full orientation of cybersecurity protocols and how to deal with it. 

To prevent yourself from becoming a victim of a cyber attack, keep yourself aware and updated on the latest cybersecurity threats.

RCyberSolutions offers courses and certifications in cybersecurity. You can learn basic computer and network security through our online educational platform. 

Companies have invested in a strong cybersecurity system, however, it can still offer a little protection when hackers target your employees directly and trick them to give out vital information or worse allow them to access your network. 

In this topic, let us learn more about one of the methods hackers use to lure users called phishing, and the smartest ways to avoid it. 

Phishing Scams

A phishing scam is a method used by hackers to obtain private, vital, and personal information by tricking the users and disguising themselves as trustworthy personnel in an electronic company.

Tips to Prevent Phishing Scam

Identifying mismatched URL

When you received an unexpected or unidentified email and you became doubtful, always practice checking the validity of the URL by hovering your mouse pointer over the link, with this, you will be able to see the complete address of the hyperlink. 

Hackers will trick you with a legitimate profile and sources, if you find that the URL mismatched that of the company, there is a high chance that it could be a scam. 

Requesting of personal information

It is a common practice and courtesy of a legitimate company not to request any personal pieces of information such as account name, username, password, and financial details.

If you have encountered this email or call, do not give your information, immediately drop the call or delete the email. 

Poor vocabulary, grammar and spelling 

If you receive an unidentified email with vocabulary, grammar, and spelling mistakes, it is most likely that it is a scam, companies are very well-read and thorough. It also indicates that the sender is from a different region.

Urgent emails

Always be vigilant and read before you take an action. When you receive an email that is urgent and pressures you to act immediately, take a second thought, and read the request. Be careful with third-party services, instead, call the company’s direct line or official website. 

Unexpected connections

You can’t just win anything without joining a raffle or something. This is one of the most used scams. Be attentive when you receive a notification that you have won something.

Hackers use this method by underlining the ‘click here to claim your prize’ links with viruses, malware, or a remote portal that will allow them to access your computer.

Career Opportunity

If you are looking for a career opportunity in the computer and IT, cybersecurity is one of the most successful industries nowadays.

By learning, developing the skills needed, and getting certified will boost your personal portfolio to land a good job and salary.

We at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., have everything you need to help start your career. Visit our website now at Reliable Cyber Solutions and check on our online cybersecurity courses and certifications.

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