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Like many other user involvement in computers, social engineering is a common term used in the IT industry which is a unique process when we talk about the different ways that we are vulnerable to data theft. 

It usually refers to an act of illegal hackers taking advantage of human instinct like helping someone in need, urgency, and winning the lottery for the sole purpose of malicious intention. 

The challenge about social engineering is how it evolves as technology advances. As it grew, it became a trend in this current time where it became a main leverage for cyber terrorism and cyber attacks. 

Looking at the frequency between malware attacks and social engineering, only 3% of instances came from malwares and 97% from social engineering attacks. We can see that cybercrime has changed its pattern of approach from software, network, or hardware infiltration and has focused more on human vulnerabilities or weaknesses. 

In this topic we will be looking into the human factor of social engineering in cybersecurity and its methods. 

Types of Social Engineering


Cybercriminals will impersonate and take up the role of an executive or administrative level personnel of an organization to instruct lower staff to give or send vital information. 

If your staff is not aware of these methods then they most likely will not hesitate to give out information especially when asked with urgency. 


It is also known as voice phishing method. It happens when cybercriminals give instructions to the person on the other line of the call to perform some actions over the person’s computer. 

Most of these attacks target employees in sales, marketing, human resource, and customer service. 


This is one of the most common methods of cyber attack where hackers lure users by sending unsecure links, infected emails, and malwares to gain information, credit card details, user names, and passwords.


Smishing is a term from SMS and phishing. It is phishing done with the use of SMS. they will send messages with links that perform several cybercrime methods such as web-crawling, data breaches, and number generators. 

It happens when a user receives scam promotions or discount coupons.

How Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering attacks have a process and it is important to understand how it works.

The attack process is executed by cybercriminals doing investigation to users or target market, then deceives or lure the user using trust information, when hackers have gained confidence they play with the users, and, once information has been gathered, they will cut the communication and clear all traces of the attack.

Mitigating Social Engineering

To combat social engineering, you will have to use multi-factor authentication for extra security, follow your instincts by not responding to unknown links or callers, do not fall for the bait, and by keeping your anti-virus software updated. 

Application In Organizations

Social engineering not only limits itself from targeting end users as individuals but is also capable on a larger scale by targeting organizations. 

Cybercriminals can easily profile large companies through their website, social media accounts, and through phone inquiry. 

Organizations need to properly train their employees when it comes to social engineering attacks to prevent human mistakes.

Career Opportunity

Secure your personal, work, and business network by practicing cybersecurity. Here at Reliable Cyber Solution, LLC., we offer the best courses and certifications, taught by our certified professional staff. Visit our website at RCyberSolutions.

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