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In this generation, where computers and networks are widely used, it is essential for every person, business, and organization to protect their system and network from cyber attack vectors.

These attacks increase every day. They happen as frequently as organizations are introducing and developing new applications. This is where cyberattacks target new application vulnerabilities. 

If you are a computer enthusiast, IT professional, or even cybersecurity professional, this time would be overwhelming in your career as cybercrime is rampant. You have to be on your top performance to be ahead of illegal hackers and protect your company. 

Cybercriminals have an advantage as they get to select their target, when it will happen, and what methods to use. They only need an opportunity to detect a point of vulnerability and use it as leverage for an attack.  

If you are interested to learn more about cybersecurity, its methods, and discipline, visit our website at RCyberSolutions. We offer courses and certifications for students, professionals, firms, and everyone.

Cyberattacks, however, can be prevented. You can learn how to fight against these threats and rising vectors regardless of what type of business or industry you are in. 

In this topic, let us learn about the latest trends on averting the rising attack vectors.

Attack Vectors

Attack Vectors are entry points that an illegal hacker can use to access your network server and computer.

The main point why a hacker is illegally penetrating your technology is that they want to steal some vital information and digital assets to use attack vectors as a way of entry and use your network or software vulnerabilities. 

This is where hackers, upon entry, will configure malware, viruses, and thus the cyberattack. Simple as it may sound, hacker methods would still require some analysis and planning, making the attack more dangerous.

Rising Vectors to Be Aware Of

Privilege Escalation

This is where illegal hackers find vulnerabilities in your network and access your organization’s system. Then they will use the privilege escalation method in obtaining access while gaining permission to open more and other sensitive data. 

Cloud Attack or Cloud-jacking

This happens when illegal hackers are aware of their physical location, conversations, and personal information.

Cybersecurity organizations and experts have made aware that users should be careful about what information they post and share in those accounts. 

Hackers can exploit this info and use it for malicious activities, identity theft, steal accounts, and phishing. 

Manipulating Domain Name

Illegal hackers use this method to exploit credentials by hijacking DNS registrars, and providers then manipulate records. 

With this, hackers can access your organization’s email and redirect them to a different server, allowing them to steal information within your messages. 

Encryption and Visibility

Hackers use this method to intercept the network that you are using. They will be able to see what websites and applications you are using. 

With this, they can easily catch your attention through phishing scams, luring you to give out personal and private information.

Protection From Threat Vectors

To protect yourself and your organization from threat vectors, cybersecurity experts use a firefighting mitigation approach when there is an incident. 

The best response to a cyber attack is to enable your cybersecurity team, visualize the attack and situation, initial assessment, configure solutions, data backup, apply security plan, and recovery.

Career Opportunity

Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., are offering various accredited courses in cybersecurity that are recognized and acknowledged by the industry.

We can help you through your certifications upon course completion. If you are interested and committed to learning, then enroll now at RCyberSolutions.

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