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During the early stages of technology and the internet, cybercriminals are focused on targeting laptop and desktop owners, specifically those who are using the Windows Operating System. This is due to the popularity of the software and more people are using it. 

As technology advances the risks of computer attacks have increased and evolved to a much more sophisticated and technical level. Having a wide range of different incident possibilities.

When we are at home or in the office, our devices like smartphones can easily connect to the network and while we make use of the wide range of available information, we are also facing greater risks of being vulnerable to attacks. 

One of the risks that computers, laptops, and smart devices face is ‘Spyware’. This type of attack in particular is becoming a trend in this generation as it is capable of monitoring and tracking, user’s behavior, activity, and searches. 

In this topic, we will be exploring more of the IoT spyware, its effects on your privacy, and how you can protect yourself.

Internet of Things

Our technology manufacturers are constant innovators of making machines or devices more intelligent. The Internet of Things (IoT) term was not yet popular until 1999. Initially, the first actual innovation of the IoT was integrated into a soda vending machine to let the buyers know if there are cold cans in stock or not. 

After several years of development and IoT became popular, cloud computing was born and it made significant progress and expansion taking the IoT to its growth.   

IoT is the physical device that can support the internet. Large companies are now investing to better their machine and processes. But it is not limited to the manufacturing industry, IoT is very much applicable to personal and home as it makes things convenient. 

Spyware on IoT

Most of the major cyberattacks come from the use of the open network. Hackers have no access to your physical device so they have to make use of any network means. Any security weakness and vulnerability in your local or business network system can cause a large-scale breach. 

Spyware is a danger to IoT devices. It’s malicious software that is difficult to identify and can function in the background of any smart device. When a hacker uses spyware, its main goal is to observe your activity and send all information back to them. This includes accounts, usernames, passwords, financial assets, and banking information. 

The scariest thing is when a hacker has infiltrated a device that can use video and record audio. The hacker will be able to see and hear you. 

Secure your home or business network

Scanning for spyware in IoT devices is not as simple as you do it on a laptop or desktop computer. Most of these devices don’t have a screen that can display functions and their software can not support cybersecurity tools. 

One of the best steps you can take as a precaution is installing a VPN in your local router and if spyware is already running in your system, you should disable the network and restart your device to its factory settings. It will erase all data including the ones that run in the background.

Career Opportunity

Spyware is one of the most alarming types of cyberattacks because of its undetectable nature that allows hackers to monitor your activities. People who fell victim to this experience their private data and accounts being stolen. 

Secure yourself, your home, or your company by learning cybersecurity as a professional career.

You can enroll at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., online courses, and certifications programs for ethical hacking or network defender, and others more. Visit our website at Reliable Cyber Solutions.

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