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The cybersecurity industry has been growing and continuously innovating new trends to counter cyber threats, attacks, and risks.

One of its successful programs that changed the course of cybersecurity is Threat Intelligence.

This program offers a detailed overview of the different potential risks that could harm an organization in terms of data information loss, financial or digital asset loss, and a company’s integrity or religion. Being attacked in your cyberspace is not an easy task and experience. 

The information that is gathered from these threats is valuable and can save organizations from critical and future attacks. 

There are several and known established organizations that focused their work on cyber threat intelligence. By applying this security method, companies and businesses in a yearly window can save an estimate of $7 million US Dollars. 

Even with the existence of organizations combating cyber threats, there are still no standard solutions that are placed on how to mitigate threats in all organizations. This is because one industry differs from another, and so is the nature of business. 

Threat intelligence however can assist you as a guide in selecting the best tool and approach towards a threat.

This can be done when all references taken from previous incidents are collected together, then your company can identify, anticipate threat factors, and mode of hacker operation. This information can be the basis of your future plans, training, and security protocols. 

Threat intelligence in summary is one of the essential components in cybersecurity’s defense line.

Here are the things you need to know about threat intelligence and how it can help you and your company predict cyber threats.

Forecasting Capabilities of Threat Intelligence

Forecasting methods or predictive capabilities are mostly applied in all types of businesses, and this includes cybersecurity.

Content from foreign-language sources

From the data that have been collected over the years, hackers tend to cause more damage with countries having the English language.

Countries that rely on the English language are more prone to attacks.  Although cyberattacks have no boundaries, threat intelligence can greatly anticipate the selectiveness of attacks hackers targeted. 

Cybersecurity can step in by managing a wide range of data from other organizations and constructing your security protocols based on your companies flow of operation, network reach or needs, and the scale of your business. 

Open and Closed sources

Open-source data refers to the collective information that can be gathered in any public sources such as news, magazine, and websites.

Closed sources refer to a private user source like the dark web. Even though these data can be seen in public, it will still need special permission to access. 

Providing Analysis and Prediction

When we talk about threat intelligence, it does not mean the usual data, but it comes from analyzed detail and actual reference of an incident or attack. 

These data are categorized into two distinct categories. These are machine-based content that is more of the technical aspects and human content that are easily understood by people. 

All of these data would still need the assessment of cybersecurity experts such as the certified threat intelligence analyst.

Career Opportunity

Take the opportunity now to learn more and develop the skills needed to become a cybersecurity professional in the expert field of certified threat intelligence analyst. You can visit our website at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., for our other courses and certification programs.

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