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Over the years, cyber attacks have continued to increase not only in the number of attacks but also with different types of industry.

Illegal hackers do not normally select their targets, however, some enterprises are sure to have vital information that is useful and gainful to their malicious intention. 

One of the dominant industries that hackers target is hospitals and healthcare. There was a time that a regional hospital in India fell victim to a cyber-attack and all their records were infected by ransomware called ‘SamSam’, the hospital paid an estimate of $55,000 in terms of data loss, damage, and recovery.

Hackers were able to access 1400 client or patient’s information and changed their profile names into “I’m Sorry”.

In this situation, the hospital was lucky enough to back up some of the data, but still, experts from the cybersecurity incident response team will take some time to recover the damaged data.

Since the hospital is placed in a critical situation where time is important, they opted to pay the attackers to retrieve the data. 

The healthcare industry is not new to these ransomware attacks they are one of the most targeted industries. The reason for these attacks is that hospitals have a very low tolerance for outages and downtime, which made them easier to give in. 

In this topic, we will be discussing more the 3 cyber trends used when engaging in healthcare cyber attacks.

1st Trend: User Awareness

The first trend happens when end users are exploited for their mistakes. People are the first line of defense against these attacks, being aware will prevent users from opening a malicious email, responding to phishing scams, and visiting infected websites.

Hackers will target weak servers and unsecured network points to infect your computer system.

2nd Trend: Enterprise Tools

The second trend happens when an organization maximizes the use of its network tools and exhausts its system leading to an unwanted distribution of infection to other network areas. 

Some of these tools are also infected during unsecured system updates. 

Organization software tools must be maintained properly.

3rd Trend: Initializing Attacks

The third trend is when one infected data is a cause for a much greater outbreak and several networks under the organization are affected. Not only is it limited within the enterprise, but also all connected networks outside. 

Network security should have a proper contingency plan in case an outbreak happens.

Cybersecurity in the Healthcare Industry

Cybersecurity in response to healthcare attacks, threats, and risks is by establishing its unique security measure to reduce these attacks.

This can be done through cybercrime awareness training among staff, establishing cybersecurity protocols, updating all security software, limiting access to authorized persons in a patient’s information, proper password management, secure admin authorization, changing of password regularly, and performing risk assessment timely. 

By doing this, you can increase your network and information security from hackers, malware, ransomware, and computer viruses.

Career Opportunity

Many cyberattacks are unavoidable and it can cause serious damage to a company with many client information.

Protect yourself and your business now by enrolling in a cybersecurity course with us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC. Our online educational platform will make it convenient in learning at home. Visit our website now at RCyberSolutions.

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