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One of our modern problems with high-tech computers, gadgets, and networks is the computer virus. This concern has caught up the attention of many cybersecurity professionals. Computer viruses have been a threat to our cyberspace, long before up until now. 

This time, the risks have increased because cybercriminals have started to integrate this with their cyberattacks making it more sophisticated.

While many experts worked hard to prevent these catastrophes from happening, the fight continues and has become more challenging and alarming. 

Manufacturers of personal computers pre-install antivirus software as a purchase package and usually are just trial versions. Sooner or later these antiviruses will need to be re-activated through premium and paid subscriptions. 

While packaged antiviruses are trusted, experts advise that you should not opt for the same software and try to explore other softwares that can best cater to your computer needs and requirements. 

Antivirus softwares though meant to protect and secure our cyberspace is also limited. You should have backup defense systems that include firewalls, phishing filters, end-point compliance, ad blockers, and intrusion detection systems.

This variety of cyber protection tools are just a front whereas the main team should be your security professionals. 

Nevertheless, this is the reason that you should properly establish your front defenses to eliminate as many threats as possible. 

In this article, we will be discussing the effectiveness of antivirus software.

Understanding the AV Software

Initially, the AV software is created to identify, search, and eliminate threats, primarily to viruses, before they can damage your system. 

Since new threats have emerged, the AV software that we know now can fight and defend against other threats such as worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, malwares, and several others more.

To handle a load of threats, there are specialized AV softwares that offers a combination of protection. 

Most AV Softwares however differs from one to the other, but still assures you to have general functions like file and folder scans, scheduled auto scanning, notifications of infections, auto elimination of malicious codes, and system health evaluation.

How AV Software protects you

The protection process can be referred to as a significant tool of multilayered security plans and strategies. It can improve your system performance and security by the following activities. 


The use of scanning limits the virus from exploiting your system loopholes that are undetected by the scanner. 

General System Scan

A general system scan can be used during the repair and recovery of your system after an attack. Performing a full-scale disk scan can ensure that there are no malicious files left. 

Virus Definitions

Your AV software must be updated to detect the latest virus signatures or malware activities. Once they can detect movements that follow the pattern of viruses, they can separate the file and eliminate it. 


The software has the capabilities of detecting unknown malware even if it is not included in the definitions. 

False Positives

This is a term used for an error in the report of a legit file as a computer virus because of its activity and behavior.

Career Opportunity

As we have tackled one of the cybersecurity tools for software and hardware protection. The opportunity for you to start a career in the field of network security is now.

Security tools will still need the expert skills of a Certified Ethical Hacker or a Certified Network Defender. Visit our firm Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., website at Reliable Cyber Solutions, for more information on offered courses and certifications.

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