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Cyber threat intelligence is one of the many cybersecurity methods that will help you improve your cybersecurity response and awareness.

Cyber threat feeds are executed by threat data that is collected from found artifacts and indicators in a third party source.

It allows you to learn from the point of view, experience, and findings of other organizations. Both sources and feeds need to be applied together with your technical protocols for you to anticipate and prevent cyber attacks.

In this topic, we will be discussing more cyber threat intelligence and the importance of its sources and feeds.

Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence is a method of gathering information from other organizations to learn more about previous, current, and future threats.

It is one of cybersecurity’s important sects as it allows experts to make precise plans and decisions when it comes to your network security practice. Usually, the notable phase happens after an attack. 

To establish your own cyber threat intelligence team or department, you should understand the critical factors you need to consider.

To equip your system better, you will need to have an efficient plan, design, and procedures. This happens when you and your team are knowledgeable of the different cybersecurity threats.

Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Sources and Feeds

Security threat intelligence feeds are collective streams of threat data that are being based on real life situations. This includes the Indicators of Compromise. These feeds run on a continuous update from external organizations and shared information. 

Since it is a collection of data, we can expect that feeds differ from one aspect to another. 

For an organization to execute intelligence sources and feeds, certain requirements are needed before they can receive data information.

Why is it important?

Information and experience are very valuable, and this also applies to cybersecurity. 

When you have credible information about threats, risks, and attacks. You can have a headstart on your security measures. 

Dealing with these threats, you need to be quick so that you can save up your data. It will also help you with the costs in terms of damage and recovery. 

Maximizing your threat intelligence feeds means you have to support a large amount of data information and merge them instead of looking at them individually.

Sources of Security Threats

There are different sources in obtaining information about security intelligence feeds and each has its own positive and negative effects. A thorough assessment and selecting your sources is a must. 

Two of the most notable sources come from public feeds and private feeds. 

Private feeds are usually gathered through paid security vendors and public feeds are those you can find on the internet shared with all. 

In a private feed, you can get significant sources generated from internal organizations. The government itself uses this method to get a reliable analysis of threats. 

In a public feed, you can get those information from commercial sources, government sources, internal sensors, open source intelligence feeds, and social listening. 

The collection of data came from cybersecurity experts, organizations, intelligence analysts, penetration testers, and bug bounty hunters. They are professionals who are tasked with searching, researching and developing cybersecurity tools, protocols, and procedures.

Career Opportunity

Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., offers programs in cybersecurity courses for careers and certification for advancement. A Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst is one of many expert fields that you can start a course from. Visit our website now at Reliable Cyber Solutions.

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