There is always a never-ending competition with cyber attackers and cybersecurity experts, given the continuous growth of the network and computers, both attack and defense have become sophisticated.
Cybercriminals have no intention of surrendering or leaving our cyberspace at peace, nevertheless, their intention of penetrating your system is no longer limited to theft but to the goal of taking your entire system, regardless of how small or large your company is.
In this particular scenario, medium to large organizations should be worried about the different types of attacks, then prepare on how to deal with those threats.
The best way for this range of organizations to deal with this problem is by having a well-documented Incident Response plan that will be able to guide the organization through an attack, solution, data recovery, and prevention.
Small businesses in this point of view tend to rely more on service from security firms for guidance and protection, but medium to large companies should have their own cybersecurity incident response.
Here are the guidelines on how to construct an effective incident response plan that would ensure your company a quick, efficient, and minimal damage reaction to an attack.
Guidelines in creating your incident response plan
Creating an incident response plan for large enterprises will require you to analyze the nature of the business, environment, products or services, software applications, and operation components.
With this, you will be able to identify all things that need to be prioritized during an incident. This also includes areas that need extra security attention.
When your team has already accomplished the detailed identification, they can now create a response plan template.
Create your incident response team
These will be the set of people or professionals that will be working with you in managing issues concerning data breaches.
Your formed team of experts will be the one in charge of responding to an attack and the incident response manager will be there to oversee, coordinate, communicate, and provide detailed reports on the technical point of view.
The size of your team will also depend on the scope and size of your organization.
Defining requirements and resolutions
The team you have created will be responsible for detecting, managing, responding, and containing the damages in the most efficient time. The length of the incident and recovery will also depend on the severity of the attack.
For a thorough response, there should be a ready procedure with a defined allocated time and should be shared with all the staff, management, board, and stakeholders.
Creating a disaster recovery strategy
This is the process of creating a guideline for the fixing and restoring process. This covers company devices, networks, systems, applications, and data.
Creating a strategy will allow you to have a direction and would save you time in mitigating an incident.
Run a test
It should be a part of your strategy to run the test for its effectiveness. By doing so will allow you to see what are the missing pieces that need to be added. It is advisable to do continuous orientation and refreshment training.
Gather the team and look into the areas that need to be improved and well maintained. Implement strategies that are discovered through the analysis.
Career Opportunity
Every business and enterprise is now required to have a cybersecurity incident response team.
While this job outline needs careful and technical training, Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., offers a professional online learning course in Certified Incident Handler. You can also check our website at RCyberSolutions for other courses available.