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One of the most trending topics in the IT and cybersecurity community is the use of cloud computing. It is evident that there has been an increase of cybercrime related activities over the years, and unfortunately more are expected to come.

Among these cybercrime activities is the cloud crimes or cyber attacks that target our cloud network system. This is why experts have looked into the principles of ethical hacking and forensic investigations to enhance the cloud network security protocols.

The cloud can be a high risk since it can be used as a leverage for hackers in locating network or system vulnerabilities. This can result in new types of attacks, risks, and cloud security concerns. But investigating and finding solutions to a cloud database is not as simple.

Here are the things we need to know about cloud computing in the application of ethical hacking.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is referred to as a function of IT operations like the database, intelligence, servers, networking, analysis, and storage. It allows you to customize and personalize software applications. The cloud in this context means the network. 

The process of cloud computing changes the normal state of storage and outsourcing, not to mention that they are also responsible for their own maintenance and procurement.

They offer a variety of user platforms and services. Some of these are VMware, DigitalOcean, RackSpace, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services.

Types of Cloud Computing

Hybrid Cloud

This is a type of cloud computing that combines services, computation, and storage that covers both private and public cloud networks. 

Private Cloud

This type of cloud computing supports infrastructures and services used by specified organizations and not shared to the public. 

Public Cloud

This cloud computing model covers infrastructure and services hosted on a shared vendor with several organizations through public networks. 

Community Cloud

This type of cloud refers to the sharing of infrastructure and services in a restricted level of organizational users, like department heads, managers, or supervisors.

What is it used for?

Cloud computing can be used in three types of services. 

Software as a service, offering a variety of software features on the cloud. You can use applications through the internet without downloading the software. 

Infrastructure as a service, offers a virtual type of service that involves operating systems, hardware, and virtual machines. 

Platform as a service, involves platforms that allows users to develop, manage, and run the application.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

By using cloud computing, you can assess resources fast, cost efficient, improve productivity, highly scalable, and dependable.

Common Cloud Computing Threats

Some common cloud computing threats are malicious insider, hardware failures, VM level attacks, natural disasters, DNS attacks, unauthorized access, and compliance risks.

Cloud Computing applied in Ethical Hacking

Cloud computing in ethical hacking requires full access to your network system, with this you have to ensure if it is internal or a third party sharing, everything must be built with honesty, accountability, and respect for privacy.

Only this that application of ethical hacking in cloud computing can be done safely and securely.

Career Opportunity

Cybersecurity has flourished over the past years and is looking to grow much higher in the coming years.

If you are looking for an opportunity to begin your career, start now with us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., our firm has cybersecurity services, courses, and certifications. Visit our website now for offers at RCyberSolutions.


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