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A cybersecurity team is strong when it has the right personnel training or certification, latest techniques, tools, financial support, and a good deal of data source from the cybersecurity threat intelligence department. When threats begin to emerge an excellent security team will only be effective if they are doing it the proper way. 

While cybersecurity shows great improvements over the years, information has become one of the greatest weapons to fight against cybercrime activities, threats, attacks, and risks. Having collective data of real-life incidents can help a company prepare security preventive and protective protocols. This allows cybersecurity experts to keep themselves ahead of the game from illegal hackers and malware. 

In this article, we will be talking about the causes of failures in cyber threat intelligence and how to mitigate them. 

Why Cyber Threat Intelligence Fail

Misjudgment on Business Value

It is important to identify what type of threat intelligence is needed for your business. Threat intelligence must be based on the business problem and its challenges. The analyst will then assess the collected data on a particular threat feed and use it as a problem-solving tool. 

We can mitigate misjudgment on the business value aspect by properly evaluating the threat and looking at how it can protect your business. It will give you information if the data is a threat or a potential effective security strategy for internal and external sources to reduce business risks. 

Fault Feeds

Threat intelligence can provide you with several feeds and if you select those that are not relevant to your business, then it would be of no use. Every business is different from each other and will also have different requirements. 

When you check from different sources such as in the private and public network, ensure that you minimize redundancy. Your biggest challenge when you don’t filter the feeds will be an overwhelming load of information and it would be difficult for you to select the most important in your business. 

You can prevent faulty feeds by understanding that not all threats are a threat to your business. 

Misfocus Feeds

Misfocus feeds mean that you are missing out on valuable data on the real threat. Receiving information from threat intelligence is a critical task and might be possible to assess all of the data immediately. If your team will not focus on the relevant feeds, then it is just a waste of time. 

To fix this you must focus on your relevant data and move the collection to analysis. This might overburden your team but you can always use softwares or applications that can help your team focus on the important feeds. 

Overworking the Data

Teams often suffocate on the volume of incoming data. This is due to the wrong feeds that are included in the assessment. It is important to check on your business security requirement so that you will be able to fine-tune your firewall settings. 

This can be done by relating the feeds to the business needs, it will make the work faster, efficient, and essential to your business security.

Career Opportunity

Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence is one of the leading sources in cybercrime prevention, but if not well-practiced and maintained it will be ineffective.

To boost your success, hire well-trained and certified personnel that can easily adapt to the dynamic of threat intelligence.

If you are interested, you can become one yourself, you can join our online course program at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC. Check our offers at RCyberSolutions.

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