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Mitigating Third-Party Cyber Risk for the Department of Education

The Department of Education was facing a significant challenge with third-party cyber risk. They relied on numerous external vendors for various services, from data management to online learning platforms. However, they lacked a comprehensive system to assess and manage the cybersecurity risks associated with these third parties. This posed a significant risk to the Department’s data security and operational integrity.

To address this issue, I developed and implemented a comprehensive third-party cyber risk management program. I worked closely with the Department to identify all external vendors and assess their cybersecurity practices. I then categorized the vendors based on the level of risk they posed and developed tailored risk management strategies for each category.

In addition, I provided training to the Department’s staff on managing third-party cyber risk. This included guidance on conducting regular vendor assessments, implementing robust data protection measures, and responding effectively to any potential security incidents.

My third-party cyber risk management program led to significant improvements in the Department’s security posture. They were able to effectively identify and manage risks associated with their external vendors, leading to a more secure and resilient operational environment.

Furthermore, the training I provided to their staff resulted in a more proactive approach to third-party cyber risk management. The Department reported increased confidence in their ability to manage these risks and a decrease in security incidents involving third parties.

This case study demonstrates my ability to effectively manage third-party cyber risks and highlights the importance of proactive risk management in maintaining a robust cybersecurity posture.
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