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Modern technology and cybersecurity have been a great help and advancement in our world today. People, companies, and businesses have become more dependent on their use.

Given our global crisis of dealing with the pandemic and people are advised to stay at home, these technologies help us cope with our daily activities, transactions, communication, work, and leisure.  

However, the advantages we can gain from using technology are still caught up with the challenges of dealing with cybersecurity threats. Our experts and organizations have assured us to prioritize these matters by setting up a good security mitigation process that people can use. 

Part of a global movement that the cyber community has developed is ensuring the transparency of security measures and applications and sharing it with everyone. You can always benefit from reading articles. It gives you awareness and updates on current events, situations, and plans of the community. This topic, in particular, is a reminder. Let us revisit the things we need to know about cybersecurity. Here is a refresher course on cybersecurity.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is an IT industry that focuses on preventing and solving cybercrime-related activities, threats, risks, and attacks. It applies processes, technologies, and control systems to protect your data, devices, programs, and network. 

Since its innovation, the industry has continued to grow as a global necessity and has opened career opportunities to diverse professional expertise.

Information Security and Cybersecurity

Most of the time, people get confused with the term information security and cybersecurity. To bring the definition to justice, here is the difference.

Cybersecurity focuses on protecting computer systems, software, and hardware from malicious and external agents such as illegal hackers that would cause harm or damages. 

Information security focuses on a much broader range of protecting digital or hard copy assets, data information, and personal information.

Cybersecurity Legal Requirement

Since 2018, the Data Protection Act (DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has required organizations and companies to strictly implement the needed security to protect personal or company information. Failing to do so will be subjected to substantial fines. 

Cybersecurity is an essential need for every organization and business. 

Neglecting your cyberspace security will invite potential risks that would cost your company a great deal regarding financial loss in terms of damage and recovery, loss of loyal customers, questionable company integrity, customer trust, and some businesses will not establish a partnership with you.

Importance of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is essential because of the following reasons. 

Cyberattacks have been gradually increasing, and the methods of hacking have also developed. 

Cybercrime is a large business. No matter what type of attack, it has been recorded that damages brought by these crimes have reached over $1.5 trillion US Dollars in damage and loss. 

Cybersecurity is essential in a company’s board-level matter. The company board will continue to seek assurances from their security departments if all regulations have been complied with and applied. Understanding the risks would save the company financial and operational functions. 

Cybersecurity breaches can cost a company. As stated earlier, security breaches can harm o financial or digital assets and the company integrity, for some who have experienced a significant attack have closed down their businesses.

Career Opportunity

Learn more about cybersecurity with us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC. We offer different expert courses and certifications that are open to everyone. You can also enroll and take classes at home through our online platform. Visit our website now at Reliable Cyber Solutions.

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