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Looking at how our economy has changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, everything is affected, including our business, work, and career opportunities.

At this time, we can no longer guarantee that our job is secured, and we can’t expect that everything will go back to the way it was anytime soon. 

Traditionally and even up until now, a person’s work culture is to find a job, hold the same position, shuffle jobs with an average of thrice per lifetime, and stay with the same career until they retire.

Job security is what everybody wants, and as an IT professional, the best choice to grow your career is to advance your career in cybersecurity. 

When you transition from IT to cybersecurity or information security, you will see more options for your career, covering a wide range of industries. You can work in government, private, finance, or retail, depending on your specialized field. 

Given the increase of cybercrime-related activities, cases, and incidents, the advancement of your career profession from IT to Cybersecurity would be the best choice. 

To know more on how to begin your career in cybersecurity, let us define and understand the essential points you need to consider during your transition, where to start, and how to develop your career. 

Cybersecurity Career Option

If you already have a background in IT or any computer-related experience, it is advantageous for you, and a career transition would be more comfortable.

However, cybersecurity has no specific career entry point. You can be an enthusiast or a professional from different careers like history, mathematics, philosophy, or computer science. You can still start and have a career in cybersecurity. 

What matters most when you want to start a career in cybersecurity is your passion for chasing the profession with interest and commitment, and of course, how computers, technology, and the internet works.

Learning what you are dealing with and working with allows you a better understanding of what you are protecting and why you need to protect it.

IT Background As A Start

It will be convenient if you have started with an IT background or experience like an internship, apprenticeship, or a job. Having any of these will make your transition more competent. 

It shows that you already know database management, coding, networks, system configuration, and system administration.

Know The Definition Of Your Options

Cybersecurity is broad and has a lot of different fields. 

Know that you can not specialize in all of them, so you must do your research and learn about what expert field would best fit your interest and skill set. 

Some of the best career starters in cybersecurity are Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Web Developer, and System Administrator. Each with a different pathway and goal.

Skills For A Cybersecurity Career

Hard skills will involve knowing how to use Programming and Coding, Network, Operating System, Technical Writer, Vulnerability Analyst, Cyber Policy Analyst, SOC Analyst, and Database Management.

Part of the skills is the ability to learn through self-study, networking, and guided training.

Career Opportunity

Cybersecurity is one of the leading professions in the IT industry. Advance your career now, and enroll with us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC.

Our cybersecurity firm and institute can help you with your selected expertise and guide you through your certifications. Visit our website now at RCyberSolutions.

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