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One of the topics that data science engineers have talked about over the last decades is that ‘data’ will be one of the driving forces in the future.

Some would say it is the new digital and economic ‘oil’. Many experts in the field already expressed their forecast about data as a potential asset when it is analyzed and processed. 

Even if the technology has progressed the statement that says ‘data is a future asset’ still stands.

Many organizations have now properly invested to earn from using data, however, data can also lose your investments. 

Experiencing a cyberattack is very critical and stressful among companies. It can be the reason they lose their business, clients, and partners. Not to mention that the average cost for a large company to deal with a cyberattack is an estimated $8 million. 

In this topic, we will be discussing how to create a well-built application security management and techniques for your company.

Tips for a strong organizational application security

For you to establish a concrete application security defense strategy, you will have to learn and understand all of your organization’s application and all its details regarding their attack surface. 

Though this might not be enough, you can also follow other practices that can keep your application security altogether.

Here are some of the effective practices in application security

Learn and Understand all the applications installed and used

By learning about your installed applications, you can then understand the details of its built in security as well as the range of databases it associates and how it can access through other applications. 

You can manage this by diligently updating and evaluating your application’s security. This can also be accomplished through the help of a certified ethical hacker in conducting penetration testing.

While the cybersecurity market is filled with new and advanced security tools, security always begins with the basics of knowing what you have to protect and the potential risks it entails. 

Lowering the application attack surface

This is one of the basic and start of processes where experts mean maintaining good cyber hygiene. 

All parts of the application should be checked if it’s publicly seen, available, direct, or indirect to potential threats. The more technical and several your defense layers are will offer several opportunities to a cybercriminal to exploit. 

Sharing data among third-party partners, firms, or business clients can also be a risk. To properly segregate applications, your company can use codes, separate user’s privileges, sandboxes, firewalls, and server isolation. 

Analysis and defense priority strategy

After following the first two application security practices, the next thing to do is to list all the applications while using your add on resources or tools. With this, you can get unbiased selections from an attacker’s point of view. 

The purpose of this method is to carefully select your data that needs priority over other data. By doing so, you can develop specific code and access limits too high risks areas. It will also allow you to identify and categorize the type of security that needs to be implemented. 

Career Opportunity

Passionate to learn more about the different application security management? Then be a part of Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., online course program.

Enroll now to be a Certified Application Security Engineer. You may also check our website at Reliable Cyber Solutions for our other courses offered.

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