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The industry of cybersecurity is constantly growing and with it also comes the challenge of having not enough people in the IT community with the right skills.

It has been observed that as of last year, the United States alone has a job vacancy of over 200,000 for cybersecurity personnel, and even employers have a difficult time filling up the job opening. 

This is a result of an unequal level of supply and demand where talented people tend to draw more on malicious activities and take advantage of themselves rather than filling up the big shoes and doing the right thing.

Looking at the recorded data, it is clear that we lack the required professionals that companies need to combat malicious hackers and softwares.

Experts and organizations in this industry have looked into this concerning situation and have found out two major reasons why.

First is that some professionals lack the required skill to be a cybersecurity expert. In this profession, knowledge and technical skills are very important, this is why you need to get certified before you can handle a job.

Second, is the short investments of companies in fixing their cybersecurity problems. Increasing your network security budget will allow you to be more flexible in security options and choose what is best and needed for your company. 

In this topic, we will be looking at the reality of why there is a divergence of cybersecurity skills.

Mistakes from the past

Cybersecurity experts from the early generations did not anticipate that in the future, there would be a giant gap in career demand.

Because of the technological advancement and the advantages we gain from using it, our work and businesses have become reliant on the use of computers. What good if it is not well maintained. This is why cybersecurity experts are in demand. 

When we talk about hiring experts for a company, it is evident that small companies have smaller budgets compared to larger companies.

Small companies are at a high risk of getting attacked and not many have known that these types of businesses can be used by hackers as leverage to penetrate large companies. Now, the government has placed a regulatory cybersecurity standard to follow in an event of an attack.

Reasons for cybersecurity skill divergence among professionals

Working Preferences

Cybersecurity experts with skills preferred to look for work in tech-based companies or those with well-known company brand names.

The reason behind this selectiveness is the limited exposure of the other industries to the profession and the flexibility when it comes to the salary. 

Continuous Demand

As the generation advances every year, so as the continuous demand for experts. There is an increase in demand for professional workers but there are fewer or limited workers produced every year.

Missed Communication 

Communications between the IT professionals in every company must be voiced out and heard by the management team. 

Work Experience

It’s difficult for newly certified cybersecurity experts when organizations look for people who already have experience in the industry. This can thin out the opportunities. Companies should look into the skills and character before looking at the years of experience rendered.

Career Opportunity

This would be the right time for you to take up a course in cybersecurity. The industry is progressive and the demand for security experts is increasing.

Enroll at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., our cybersecurity firm that offers different careers through online learning, as well as certifications. Visit our website now at Reliable Cyber Solutions.

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