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In recent records of cybersecurity incidents, several companies have been suffering from network breaches, exposing the vital company and client information. This information is digital files such as emails, data storage, usernames, and passwords. 

This incident was executed flawlessly by hackers who intercepted employee messages, exposing their one time passwords.

Having this information, hackers can now easily pass through your secondary authorization, compromising several accounts from the cloud host and source provider. 

Most people do not realize this but for illegal hackers, access to web-based accounts is easy for them to do. Even if you change your password every week, you can still be a victim of these types of attacks.

Here are the things you need to know when it comes to hackers attacking your password.

Breaking In

There are several methods on how hackers crack passwords, here are some of the popular trends.

The Guessing

As it is stated, hackers use this technique by relying completely on guessing the combination of passwords. 

An example of this is the default password for admin is ‘admin’, ‘12345’, or ‘password’. This happens when users are not aware and careless of these methods and tend to use the default password, not changing it.

Brute Force Method

This one of the most common attacks where cybercriminals use trial and error methods to fix their way through the user’s account. 

This can be done when using a hacking automated tool that runs a random combination of passwords, trying every possibility.

These methods are also used when a hacker targets multiple accounts.

Dictionary Method

Like in the dictionary, this method uses predefined words that are on a list, and it systematically ruins the usernames and passwords of any random accounts. 

The list can be smartly categorized so that it can select all relevant words that might relate to your username. If your account name is Legolas, then the hacking tool will focus on words that are found in a Lord of the Rings book.

This is one of the reasons why the system will request that our passwords must have a combination of numbers, characters, and capitalization.

Hackers Software

Hackers do not only use techniques in attacking passwords, they also use software hacking tools for passwords and decrypting files. Here are some of the software used by hackers.


This software tool is used to crack wireless network passwords. This software can recover passwords and can monitor sufficient data. Most penetrating and auditing testers use this software in getting the best results during tests.

Cain And  Abel

This software hacking tool is mostly referred to as ‘cain’. This is used to recover as a password cracking tool and a recovery password tool for Microsoft Windows.

THC Hydra

This tool works online and supports a wide variety of network protocols. This type of tool uses a brute force and dictionary method to crack open complicated passwords.

JTC – John The Ripper

This hacking software is designed to access the most complicated password combinations for offline accounts. It uses both key and encryption algorithms on encrypted strings.

This software can also perform the dictionary attack method.

Career Opportunity

Our passwords are one of our application, account, and software protective features.

By learning cybersecurity with us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., you can gain knowledge and the right skill set needed to become a security expert, innovating, and developing network security. You can visit our website at Reliable Cyber Solutions.

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