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As people, work, companies, and businesses rely on the efficient use of modern technology, many of them are faced with challenges against different types of cyber threats and asset vulnerabilities.

Security professionals need to identify these potential harmful threats before they could attack your business or organizational network, software, applications, and computer systems.

This can be done through careful classification and categorization of the different types of threats, then sorting them based on critical level giving them a priority, and lastly, solving the issues by establishing a secure cyber environment. 

For an effective security operation, experts need to have the proper tools needed for execution. These tools are vulnerability assessment tools that can accurately identify the threats before they can penetrate your network or computer security system. 

In this topic, we will be discussing more the organization’s most dependable vulnerability assessment tools used by experts. 

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment is a security method that identifies, prioritizes, and quantifies possible cybersecurity threats on an organization. 

This security method can be executed by using assessment testing tools like network security scanners, where results are then listed in a report. 

It can be applied to different types of industry from small to large businesses. By incorporating this security method, you can assure that your company can benefit from the analysis findings.

The earlier you know about underlying threats, the sooner you can take preventive measures against them, and the information gathered can be your basis on how to prepare future security plans.

Vulnerability Assessment Tools

Here are some of the best vulnerability assessment tools recommended by experts. 


Open Vulnerability Assessment System is a software platform that enables you to do vulnerability management and vulnerability scanning. 

Some of the software features are full scan, WordPress scan, web server scan, network vulnerability test, consistent updating on a scan engine, have components that are GNU General Public License, intelligent scan, and multiple support operating system customizable scan. 

Retina CS Community

Retina CS is one of the vulnerability assessment tools that have free service and supports a centralized environment using web-based consoles.

Its software system features checking of configuration compliance, application patching, compliance reporting, open-source application, and it supports multiple virtual environments. 

This tool is known to be a cost-saving and time-efficient security assessment tool. 

Nessus Professional

The Nessus Professional is a unique vulnerability assessment tool as it will alert users when they encounter vulnerabilities upon connecting to a network. This feature lessens the attack probability of an organization. 

With this tool you can perform configuration auditing, finding loopholes in your operating system, physical network scan, virtual network scan, cloud platform scan, and high-speed asset discovery. 

This tool is capable of identifying vulnerabilities executed by remote hackers. 


Nikto is one of the widely used and popular vulnerability assessment tools in the market. It functions in an open-source web-based scanner to identify outdated softwares, potential vulnerabilities, and malware.

This tool can scan web servers at high speed, scan through multiple web server ports, system scan on different network protocols, selective test to identify suspicious files and check your service operations.

Career Opportunity

Starting a career in cybersecurity now is the best choice. Here at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., our certified professional team can guide you as you take up a course in our online educational platform.

You can check our website at RCyberSolutions for other expert career opportunities and certifications.

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