Computer hacking is one of the most terrifying terms in the cyber world. It talks about people who have malicious intent over personal, company, or business digital assets, stealing and damaging them.
As ugly as it may sound, it has not always been like that.
When we go back to history, computer hackers are well known to have a passion for technology. Their curiosity is nothing more than to tinker, customize, and optimize the use of technology.
It was then years after when viruses came to light and the birth of cybercrime. This where hackers saw a malicious and profitable opportunity as well as skill validation of hacking began.
In this topic, let us settle our curiosity on how this transition of hacking began by looking at its history and now.
Hacking in 1960
Hacking in 1960 was not originally a term used in computers but started at MIT’s tech model railroad club. The club members hacked their train sets for them to improve their functions. Later on, the term transitioned from toy trains to computers. They use IBM 704 to innovate, expand, explore, create new paradigms, and anything that a computer can accomplish at that time.
Hacking in 1970
While computer hacking is constant technology development, it also gave birth to new hackers known as Phreakers. They are phone hackers that toys with the telephone system.
Telephone hacking in the early years is used to route calls allowing hackers to dupe the network and use long-distance calls for free.
Hacking in 1980
This is where hacking has become rampant as it is the same year where personal computers are open to the general public.
There are still many ethical hackers at this time focused on the future and development of technology. Always, it also breeds unethical hackers who have a personal motif to profit from hacking.
Hacking in 1990
This is the year where illegal hacking became a notorious notion to the community. There is a sudden and formidable increase in unethical hackers and cybercrime cases.
Cybercrime responded with its team of experts to crack down threats and attacks through a secret service department.
Hacking in 2000
The hacking term is no longer suitable as it sounds as cybercrime attacks have attracted the government and the media attention. There are new and dangerous types of viruses, malware, and hackers that target large companies, businesses, and government agencies.
Military bases are also victims of these attacks.
Hacking in 2010 to Present
As technology advances, so do the methods and approaches in hacking. Hackers became more sophisticated, complex, and complicated. Many others have already created a group just for the sole purpose of profiting using illegal hacking.
This is where cybersecurity has stepped up with more influential organizations, government agencies, and federal security to stop a global level of cybercrime-related activities.