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The COVID-19 pandemic has limited our activities outside our houses. This has led us to maximize the use of the technology that is available in our homes.

Apart from those who are working from home and taking classes online, people use computers and networks for entertainment.

In anticipation of this, hackers have adapted their way to take advantage of luring their targets by phishing scams, claiming to give freebies during this time of the pandemic. 

For people who are not aware of this cybercrime method, they can easily be attracted to this type of promotion.

It has been observed that fraudulent messages such as this have been well circulated around the world, urging users to immediately decide and act upon by clicking the given URL link, as it is a limited time promo. 

Now, let us discuss more of the trending scams during this time of pandemic that involves Netflix.

Coronavirus Netflix Scam

The message has reached different areas across the world stating:

“Due to the CoronaVirus pandemic worldwide, Netflix is giving some free pass for their platform during the period of isolation. Access the site cause it will end quick!”

Experts assessed the message and judging initially by the sentence construction and grammar, a person would have been on alert. However, looking at the URL with the word Netflix attached to it, it is enough to convince people that the offer is legitimate. 

When people click the link, they are redirected to a spoofed website and a fake Facebook account with positive comments about the promotion. This gives false reassurance to the users who are doubtful of the website or the offer. 

As you go on, you are asked to answer a brief survey about the pandemic, whereafter you can obtain your free pass.

After you accomplish the survey, you will be congratulated to have won the survey and in order for you to activate the free account, you have to share the message with 10 of your WhatsApp friends. 

In these cases and types of scams, there is no free access to Netflix and the survey activation process is just a lure to share the scam to your friends.

This will allow the scam to reach a global scale of audience and enables the fraudster to trick more people and at the same time, steal personal information or placing malware into your system. 

Keep yourself updated on the latest trends of cybercrime-related activities to prevent future engagement, and become a victim. Especially during this time of pandemic where it has been recorded by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau an increase of 400% in cyber scams.

Few Tips On How To Prevent Coronavirus Phishing Scam

  • Do not engage with unsolicited calls or messages, if you are not expecting them.
  • Do not download or click unfamiliar URLs or websites.
  • Ignore emails, messages, or calls with urges that need you to take action immediately.
  • Always know that legitimate notices and letters will address you directly.
  • Notice the sentence construction, grammar, spelling, and words used in the content.

Career Opportunity

Learn from the best! Learn from us at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC., with over a decade of experience and with our certified professionals, we can help you reach your career goal in cybersecurity.

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