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Cybercrimes are very rampant in our economy and businesses these days. The attacks experienced by organizations have been aggressive, technical, and have been continuously increasing.

Not many people know about the effect a cybersecurity breach can have on a company but a single data breach can cost millions of dollars in terms of data asset loss, recovery, and damages. This shows that our current technological security against cyber threats is still not enough to protect our cyberspace. 

There are a lot of things that motivate a hacker, it could be for terrorism, hacktivism, espionage, or financial gain, and because of these that made them very vigilant and extremely aware of technology security vulnerabilities. 

These threats can happen to any type of industry and this can be a risk to businesses or organizations, and not just for IT professionals or departments. 

One of the growing facts about cybersecurity organizations today is that 50% of a company’s board members address all related digital security concerns as a top priority. 

As everything moves towards digitalization, all computers and devices must require a strong security protocol. Even new security techniques like machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used by expert illegal hackers.

In a growing cyber world where our society, economy, and enterprises, revolves in network and computers. Here are 4 important factors of cybersecurity that businesses and organizations should know.

Active Participation in Regulatory Agencies

Being active in a regulatory agency means to comply with the appropriate standards and requirements given by them.

There are agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that have filed cases against enterprises that do not meet the required cybersecurity standards. 

Understanding how it can affect your business makes you participate more in regulatory policies.

High Investment Does Not Mean Better Cybersecurity

Investing properly in network security is very advisable and can be a solution to your problems. But, it does not prove that your security is impenetrable.

If your company is interconnected with other businesses and can’t guarantee that they have secure network security, one that company experiences a cybersecurity breach, it can also jeopardize your company because of the shared information.

To be able to manage your security risks in businesses, managers should confront the issues by containing threats outside.

Understanding Cybersecurity for Top Level Management

Company leaders are the people who make the decisions. They must understand and be knowledgeable enough to ask detailed questions for IT reports and plans. 

In business and organizations, board members and their cybersecurity experts should establish good communication for future strategies and policies.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training is a Must

Cybersecurity awareness training for employers and employees can help create safe cyberspace by controlling internal security. Many programs are designed to teach people updated trends about computers, software, security methods, and cyber threats. 

By teaching your staff how to take initiative and how to handle cyber attack situations, you can prevent security threats like phishing, malware attack, and password attack.

Career Opportunity

Awareness and learning the skills on how to prevent cyber attacks is the best way to protect your computer and network system.

You can start now by enrolling at our online educational platform at Reliable Cyber Solutions, LLC. We offer different cybersecurity courses and certifications to start up your career. Visit us now at RCyberSolutions.

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